
Digital Transformation

Process360 Live Digital Transformation Ensure a successful transformation, deliver operational excellence, and improve customer experience by leveraging a digital twin of an organization (DTO) to create a virtual replica of your business operations. Book a demo Why Create a DTO? Hailed as the saving grace of the modern enterprise, digital

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Business Modeling During & After Major Disruptions

When it comes to business modeling during and after major disruptions, you can safely assume new regulations are going to come into play. We can simply look to historical precedent surrounding events like the financial meltdown of 2008, and before that SOX which was extremely important in terms of managing

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5 Steps to Sustainable Business Processes

Sustainability in action.  Greenwashing or real change? Green issues and sustainable business ideas are now high on the agenda, and not just among the big players. Read why sustainability will be the corporate standard in the not too distant future – and how you can systematically and sustainably anchor the

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Defining Your Why in Process Optimization 

It may seem obvious, but the first question you need to be able to answer before embarking on any process optimization journey is also the most significant: Why are we doing this?  In the broadest sense, the answer is that a business is the sum of its processes. The most

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